Tuesday, April 23, 2013

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge: Day 23


Today's Task . . . Floors

Today's task is a bit overwhelming.  We have a lot of carpet and a lot to mop. I usually split this into 3 days because there is so much to do. The vacuuming wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't three little ones with toys all over the floor. Moping the kitchen and dinning room often takes at least a half hour sometimes longer.

I cheated a little and did some of the vacuuming yesterday. The living room was covered in popcorn and popcorn seeds so I defiantly wanted to get that cleaned up. I also did the hallway and bedrooms, so half the vacuuming was done. Yes!

I started my morning by cleaning up the toys in the playroom while the girls were eating breakfast and vacuumed. My oldest came down stairs and asked me why I put the toys away? She was a little upset that I picked up the toys she wanted to play with.

Then it was on to the kitchen floor.
We have at least one spill every night creating a very dirty floor

How little toys always end up in the kitchen is beyond me
    Armed with my broom and dust pan and Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop I tackled the floors.  

For a few hours they were nice and clean. By supper there was food, milk, and toys on the floor again. 

I felt very exhausted from the past few days. I feel like I clean all day long. After supper I've really been enjoying clearing the table and washing the dishes with my four year old.
When she is done with dishes, it's time to wipe the table. Often there are helpers for her.
No better way to end your day then doing something as a family. It gives me energy I need to finish out my day.

Reveal Mop Kit

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