Thursday, September 19, 2013

Answer God's calling

The past few months found me so much busier then I could have imagined. We had family come visit for 2 weeks, which kept me busy, but in a good way. I became the new Sunday School Coordinator at our church, which has taken up a lot of extra time that I didn't expect. At home we have started our preschool homeschooling.

Today I just wanted to share a quick bit of insight. God lays things on our hearts in so many different ways. This morning I woke up dreaming about the Sunday School Christmas program. I have been feeling like God's been laying on my heart to make it simple and just tell the story of Jesus birth. This morning I finally had a clear vision of how to do that in a fun way. What this means is, I am writing my own Christmas play.

I love to write but am always worried what people might think. I never thought God would lay on my heart to write a play that will be seen by a full audience of parents and grandparents. But since God called me to do this, he will take my fear away.

Have you felt God calling you to do something? I didn't know if I could take over running our Sunday School program. I'm younger then the teachers, what do I know about running an entire program? God called me to do this and I have the best teaching staff. Without them and their insights, I couldn't do it. God has called us to do small things and great things. Don't ignore his calling or you will miss a chance to be greatly blessed.

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